Through higher education, young citizens gain a wider understanding of both their country and the world around them. 

Our globally recognised Internationalising Higher Education programme in Bahrain links us with partners in the UK, government and private universities, the Higher Education Council and the Quality Assurance Authority (QAA). It supports local universities to develp expertise in the areas of: 

  • quality assurance
  • academic research
  • employability and career development
  • leadership and management.


As part of this programme we aim to:

  • enhance the quality of universities in Bahrain through our work with the  the Higher Education Council and the Quality Assurance Authority (QAA) and UK partners 
  • encourage local and international discussion and debate around higher education issues and challenges
  • expose staff and students from universities in Bahrain to UK approaches to higher education and research
  • support government policies for increased growth in employment through skills-based qualifications 
  • take part in professional networks and dialogue that promote the sharing of information and ideas.  


The programme has opened doors for the local universities to showcase our expertise internationally. We’ve recently had the opportunity to: 

  • host representatives from UK universities , who came to scope and consult around potential partnership and transnational education with local universities
  • conduct Policy Dialogue workshops and trainings on priority areas to strengthen links. 

Read more about our activities on the British Council International Higher Education website.


Call or email us for more information about our work with the programme or to find out how you can take part in our events and activities.