Building skills for the next generation through creativity, innovation and teamwork 

Our programmes in culture and sports help break down barriers to encourage participation in culture and sports across the Gulf region. Our showcase programmes have allowed cultural exchanges to take place between the UK and the Gulf, with a number of events which help build skills, teamwork and celebrate creativity and innovation.

In Bahrain these events have included:

  • Six musicians from the British Paraorchestra gave two performances during the Spring of Culture Festival in Bahrain. Around 200 people attended the performances and follow up workshops, including students from special educational needs centres.
  • Two UK designers from the UK’s Crafts Council shared their insight and expertise with design students at the Royal University for Women in Bahrain. 
  • An educator from The Hoffman Centre for Autism in the UK delivered a short course on autism for five Bahraini Artist/art educators to support them in using the arts to work with children who have an autistic spectrum condition. 

We are preparing to launch a series of new projects across the Gulf region in September 2017 including projects such as sports journalism for women and a smartphone film festival for 15–30 year olds.


This is such an amazing idea and I hope it will encourage people to follow in their footsteps. I attended the three performances and each one of them was very informative.  It was heart-warming listening to each musician's story and a joy to listen to their music.  I must commend the conductor who has his heart and soul in this orchestra and his passion will break down any barriers the he may come up against.  Christine Gordon, Student Director at RIA, on the British Paraorchestra in Bahrain