Sometimes an employer or a university may request verification of your results certificate before offering a job or place. The British Council can verify your IGCSE, International GCSE and A and AS level certificates if required.

Verification of school certificates issued from recognised UK boards

We stamp School Certificates from recognised UK boards. 

Please contact us

Certifying Statements

This service is available when a candidate has lost the original certificate and requires an official document from Cambridge to show the grades they achieved in a particular exam series.  Cambridge will produce Certifying statement using the name given for the candidate at the time of their exam.  Requests for minor amendments will be considered if:

  • The request is made clearly in an accompanying letter or email
  • The request is being made within 18 months of receipt of the original certificate
  • The amendment can be verified against the candidate’s identification

For Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) candidates contact the local office for forms

This service currently costs BHD 45

For Pearson Edexcel candidates: fill in the online certificate services form below. You need to pay online for this service.

Mistakes and changes

Occasionally, a form or certificate may contain incorrect or incomplete information, such as a mistake with the spelling of your name, address, date of birth or other information.

If you are a school student, tell your teacher or school exams co-ordinator as soon as possible about any mistakes. Private candidates must contact their local British Council office immediately. Please note that there is deadline for corrections for each session.