Wednesday 04 January 2017 to Tuesday 28 February 2017

In an increasingly competitive and global market, researchers and the institutions they represent need to communicate their research effectively to an international audience. Researchers need the communication skills to enable them to publish in international journals and present at conferences in English; apply for funding to national and international bodies; communicate with the wider public and policy-makers; and build international collaborations to further their research. 

The British Council has introduced the Researcher Connect training course to match the needs of researchers, helping them to operate internationally. Researcher Connect is a professional development course for researchers that focuses on communication skills for international, multicultural contexts.

Taking place on 26 - 28 February 2017, the British Council invites you to apply for Researcher Connect training workshop. Kindly download and fill the application and send it to Marwa Alawi, Projects Coordinator, on the below details.

Deadline to receive application is January 31, 2017.

What is researcher connect

Researcher Connect is a series of short interactive modules for researchers at any stage of their career and from any academic discipline. It focuses on the development of excellent communication skills using English language in international, multi-cultural contexts. It is appropriate for Upper Intermediate level learners and above, and will enable learners to communicate their research effectively with a range of audiences in appropriate academic and/or professional styles. Researcher Connect is a series of modules delivered in workshop format by experienced trainers. 

Eligibility criteria

  • The candidate has to be an early-stage researcher.
  • The candidate has to be an employee of an academic institute, a governmental or a non-governmental organisation, a research body OR a higher-studies student (Masters and PhD).
  • Intermediate to excellent speaking and writing English Skills.
  • The candidate must have not taken the Researcher Connect training before.
  • The opportunity is open to candidates from all nationalities.

Benefits for participants

  • Improved Performance in publishing and presenting
  • Stronger international and private sector collaborations
  • Increase employability

 benefits for organization

  • Stronger  representation at conferences
  • Increased Publication rates
  • Higher quality funding applications
  • Stronger international reputation and ranking

for information and enquiries

For further information about the Researcher Connect, Please do not hesitate to contact us on

Phone:  17266166 Ext. 249
