Thursday 30 October 2014 -
03:00 to 17:30
Jawad Dome, Barbar

Kids Read 2014-15 First Community Event

featuring Julia Johnson


Kids Read returns for the fourth year and launches its activities with the first Community Event for the academic year 2014-15. Guest storyteller, Julia Johnson, will tell exciting stories to the children and demonstrate to parents how storytelling can be turned into a family activity.

Join us for an afternoon of fun and excitement. This event is free and open to the public, everyone is welcome to join.


Children between 6-12 years old and their parents. A coloring station will be set up for children younger than 6 years.


Jawad Dome, Barbar.


Thursday, 30 October 2014

3:00 - 5:30 PM

About Kids Read

Kids Read has been created by the British Council and is sponsored exclusively by HSBC Bank Middle East Limited. Kids Read encourages reading for pleasure, both inside and outside the classroom, among primary school children across the MENA region. Through the joint efforts of the respective countries’ Ministries of Education, HSBC and the British Council, the Kids Read program aims to reach 25,000 children across 12 countries in the MENA region during each academic year.

About HSBC in the Community

At HSBC, the principles of sustainability are core to our business.  HSBC supports individuals and organisations in achieving their goals as they relate to education and the environment. HSBC places great emphasis on employee volunteering. In 2010, the HSBC Group committed nearly US$108 million to community investment in 87 countries and territories around the world, while HSBC employees volunteered over 320,000 work hours in support of these activities.