Tuesday 13 March 2018 - 00:00 to Monday 16 April 2018 - 00:00

Leadership Webinar Series

Following on from the Leadership Influence toolkit launched in 2016, the British Council is delighted to bring you, for the very first time, “The British Council Leadership webinar series” beamed across the six GCC countries. The webinar series will run from March 13th to April 3rd 2018. 

British Council’s Leadership Webinar Series is a highly interactive online learning experience, 4-week online programme with top ranking faculty from prestigious UK universities.


Schedule and Topics

The program is designed to work for candidates who strive for personal and professional development and want to pick up quick skills in a time-constrained environment.

Earn a certificate, add value to your resume. How?

1.Register and attend all modules under ONE theme (Employability OR Entrepreneurship). EARN A CERTIFICATE.

2.Register and attend all modules under BOTH themes (Employability AND Entrepreneurship). EARN TWO CERTIFICATES.

Recordings will remain available for Bahrain UK Alumni Network members to register and watch until 15 April 2018.


13-Mar                 Transitioning a career by Viren Lall, FRSA                        

21-Mar                 Developing diverse talent by Adj Prof, Neil Marshall 

27-Mar                 Being ready to take opportunities by Dame Mary Marsh


19-Mar                 Great ideas using Design Thinking by Dr Giulia Calabretta

20-Mar                 Sketch out a business model by Dr Stephanie Hussels

26-Mar                 How to test the market by Dr Stephanie Hussels                            

28-Mar                 Frugal innovation by Prof Jaideep Prabhu                                         


Date Register Here Faculty Session Topic Theme
13-Mar, Tue Watch Recording Viren Lall, FRSA Transitioning a career Employability
19-Mar, Mon Watch Recording Dr Giulia Calabretta Great ideas using Design Thinking Entrepreneurship
20-Mar, Tue Watch Recording Dr Stephanie Hussels Sketch out a business model Entrepreneurship
21-Mar, Wed Watch Recording Adj Prof, Neil Marshall Developing diverse talent Both
26-Mar, Mon Watch Recording Dr Stephanie Hussels How to test the market Entrepreneurship
27-Mar, Tue Register Here Dame Mary Marsh Being ready to take opportunities Employability
28-Mar, Wed Register Here Prof Jaideep Prabhu Frugal innovation Both



We have taken care to ensure that our Faculty is top-ranking in terms of track record and credentials and truly diverse in terms of nationality, gender and selection of universities. Participants will comprise of Gulf UK Alumni who have graduated from prestigious UK universities and from across industry and functional work experience. Given the diversity of managerial and academic talent, be prepared for a high level of engagement and the possibility for networking among participants.

The teaching methods and materials, will comprise a balanced mix of the latest research and practical application, giving you new insights and tools to succeed in your venture or workplace. You will be engaged, challenged and learn new ways of thinking.


For more information about webinar topics and the distinguished faculty presenting at the series please visit this page: